Music, Humor and Words

Not necessarily in that order. Michael Wright chimes in on his life, his interests and the occasional bolt of inspiration that mortals tend to gain from time to time.

Thursday, April 13, 2006

US Air Guitar Championships Underway

From the official site: "After our first-ever defeat at the Air Guitar World Championships, Team USA is redoubling its efforts in the annual search for the greatest air guitarist in all the land. Over 10 Regional champs, the first Collegiate champ and reigning US Champion Fatima "Rockness Monster" Hoang will battle it out for the top crown and the right to represent the USA in Finland for the covteted world title. Regional events and the US Finals will take place between May and June 2006. Dates and venues will be posted as they are announced."


This is legit. And scary.

But even I have at one time or another emulated Page, Beck, Hendrix, Richards, Zappa, Satriani, Howe, Kottke, Hedges, Legg, Watanabe and countless other stringmen, basking in the glow that I couldn't play, but could look good pretending.

The finals are June 22nd at the Bowery Ballroom.


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